Seriously Unreal
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2.66GHz i7 overclocks to 4GHz(and more)

Rumour now has it that the cheapest nehalem cpu can reach feats of 4ghz on air no less. Priced at US$284 overlockers can expect alot of headroom with the new chips especially if they have some liquid cooling on hand. At the high end of the scale priced at US$999 the Core i7 Extreme edition comes in at 3.2ghz, with its unlocked multiplier this chip might be able to reach the magic 6ghz with the aid of some liquid nitrogen. Expect the first of the core i7’s to be shipping sometime in november, stay tuned for a full review.

One Response to “2.66GHz i7 overclocks to 4GHz(and more)”

  1. Sweet, 4 Ghz… and to think my first PC eons ago clocked in at a whopping 16Mhz. I guess we have come a long way over the years!

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