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Rockstar’s L.A Noire, the most expensive game ever made?

Set for release in 2009, the Rockstar backed detective story, L.A Noire, may be the biggest budget video game ever created, according to the CEO of Tantalus and the president of the Game Developers’ Association of Australia, Tom Crago. Crago is quoted as saying that L.A Noire “could be the biggest budget video game in development anywhere in the world. It would certainly… in terms of console titles, be in the top ten… LA Noire is a massive, massive project.”

Most excitingly for us Australians, the team behind the title is developer Team Bondi, an Australian based studio founded by Brendan McNamara, known for his involvement with The Getaway franchise. In his speech at GC Asia recently he mentioned that the crime thriller will be coming to Xbox 360 and PS3. At this point little has been revealed about the title, all we know is that it’s set in a recreated 1940s Los Angeles and players objective will be solving a series of murders.

Anyone interested can check out the full trailer below.

Totally Unr3al

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