Seriously Unreal
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1UP Giving Away 2,000 Little Big Planet Beta Codes

For everyone who wants to get in on the Little Big Planet action, this is great!

“Who wants to get their hands on one of the coveted LittleBigPlanet beta codes? Sony has provided 1UP with 2,000 of them — for you! We aren’t ready to reveal specifics about how you can obtain a code yet, but check back on our LittleBigPlanet countdown page on Monday for details! The hub will be your source for exclusive videos of 1UP editor-created levels, how-to guides, and tons of fun!”

Just thought I’d pass on the news from 1UP. Good luck in getting in!


13 Responses to “1UP Giving Away 2,000 Little Big Planet Beta Codes”

  1. Awsome !!! i hope i get one i mised out on euro gamers :/

  2. i want little big planet!

  3. plz can i have a little big planet beta code i really need it, im a big fan of lbp and i have many creation for this game one of this creations is the world of king kong but with new things that will take this creation to be the most fun ever. so plz i really need the code.

  4. I would love a beta code. I am actually going to school to be a game designer and I feel like this game is a great oppertunity for me to get my hands on something that I can try out some of my ideas.

  5. i will like a beta code

  6. i would like a beta key

  7. hi , yep i want the code .. please give it please m8 😦 ,

  8. i need this i need … am searching about code from 2 week ago .. please give me please …

  9. i would like a little big planet beta code because i have never got a beta code before and my psn name is crimson321 add me if anyone wants

  10. hey i really want a LBP beta key code… PLEASE, ive waited almost a year for LBP and im desperate… ive never had a key code for any game i want LBP to be the first… btw wat is PSN Playstation Network, if so then PLEASE I REALLY WANT… my PSN (Playstation Network) name is lilkid06

  11. I have been following the progress of this game since i heard about it over a year ago, it looks absolutely amazing, you have to take your hat off to the developers, what more is there to say it will simply be the biggest thing to have ever happened in the gaming industry. mario will look small in comparison.
    p.s. i wish i had a beta key

  12. I would like one for my fiance. How do you get one? It would be a cool surprise for him. Thanks!

  13. i need that code please i had a cod before but it ripped please can i have the code i need it so badly

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