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Posts Tagged ‘4850

ATI HD4830 shapes up to be 9800GT killer

September 28, 2008

As if ATI hadn’t shaken up the graphics card market enough with its HD4800 series, they are set to create even more of a stir with the release of their latest card the HD4830 set for next month. To give you an idea of what to expect we have obtained this chart which has the […]

4850 X2 on hold…for now

September 22, 2008

ATI was supposed to release its Radeon HD 4850 X2 card in September and we asked around and it doesn’t look that you will see any of these cards by the end of this month. Radeon HD 4870 X2 are obviously selling well and it seems ATI tactically delaying the slower part with DDR3 memory as it simply […]